February 27 – 28, 2024 • 9:00 – 4:00
SITE: TownePlace Suites Dallas DFW Airport North/Irving
4800 Plaza Dr, Irving TX 75063
ROOM BLOCK: $129 S/D; click here to make a reservation
room block cutoff: February 9
TRAINER: Brian Alten
COST: $600
Register Here
This seminar will be 2 days, approximately 6 hours each day, to assist your agency for the challenges in the upcoming year. This seminar for all staff members will discuss strategies and techniques to protect reserves, implementing new regulation and survive challenges in funding. We will consolidate all the important goals, deadlines and hot topics for 2024.
Module 1: Public Housing Update
- Cost allocation and eligible costs
- Internal controls
- Oher HUD, GAAP and GASB updates as necessary
- PHAS Update – Tips to improve scoring
- Preventing FDS rejections
- CFP updates
Module 2: HCV Update, VMS and RNP Reconciliation, Two Year Tool
- Updates for E-VMS/PIC
- MTW reporting
- Reporting HAP, UAP and leasing
- Calculating and reporting RNP, administrative costs, cash
- Business rules of the VMS
- Updates for reporting
- What to do with a QAD review?
- HUD’s cash management for HAP funding
- Monitoring and tips to maximize leasing and HAP utilization
- Determining HAP funds available
- Preventing offsets of HAP funds
- Identifying when a PHA goes into shortfall
- Estimating UML and HAP expense for the year
Module 3: Basics of Accounting and Reporting for MTW
- Funding flexibilities
- Accounting entries
- FDS reporting
Module 4: Impacts on the COCC & Asset Repositioning
- Background of asset repositioning options
- Financial impacts on the solvency of the COCC
- Developing long term projections
- Use of business activity or component unit instead of the COCC
Module 5: GASB 87: lease Accounting & GASB 96 Subscription Based Information Technology Arrangements
- What have we learned from GASB 87
- Determine what leases are covered by GASB 87 and 96
- How to calculate the present value of lease
- Accounting entries and FDS reporting of leases
*Agenda is subject to change without notice.
To receive CPE credit for participation in a BDO training program, you must sign-in at the beginning and actively participate throughout the session. You will receive an email notification once the attendance record has been processed, including instructions on how to access your CPE certificate.
Delivery: Group Live
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Prep: None
Credits: Up to 14 CPE credits total
Program Level: Basic
BDO USA, LLP is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org
BRIAN ALTEN, CPA, is with BDO PHA Finance, a division of BDO USA, LLP. Brian has worked in PHA finance for over 20 years. His specialties include Low Income Public Housing (LIPH), Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), Project Based, Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) and New Construction Section 8; the Capital Fund Program (CFP), HOPE VI and various other programs and grants such as ROSS and Rural Development. He has helped Housing Authorities maximize both Operating Subsidy and their financial ratio scores.