(in alphabetical order)
DEANA BROUSSARD is currently the Homeownership and Family Self Sufficiency Manager for Fort Worth Housing Solutions (FWHS), a position she has held since 2006. Deana has coordinated self-sufficiency activities that fostered successful partnerships with many community organizations. Under her management, she has assisted countless families to become self-sufficient through the FSS program. She has formed successful partnerships with agencies such as Country Wide Financial, Bank of America and Wells Fargo resulting in FWHS families having access to over $120,000.00 in grant funds for homeownership. She has served as an FSS trainer/presenter at Texas Housing Association conferences throughout Texas. Deana received a Bachelor’s Degree from Oklahoma State University and holds certifications from Nan McKay and Associates, Inc. in administering housing programs. She also holds licensure in the Real Estate industry. Deana joined the THA training team in 2014.
NAOMI BYRNE has over 20 years of experience in the housing and non-profit industries, managing multiple types of public housing and multi-family housing programs. She has experience in all aspects of running a Housing Authority, including accounting, human resources, capital funds, development, and property management and maintenance. She also has experience rehabbing/ developing single-family and multi-family using HOPE VI, LIHTC, RAD, and conventional funding sources. She has served as President of Fort Worth Housing Solutions, the Executive Director of Texarkana Housing Authority and Georgetown Housing Authority, and Chief Operations Officer for the Pittsburgh, PA Housing Authority. In 2018, she formed her own consulting firm, Stinger Consulting LLC, to provide guidance and assistance to PHAs in operations and development, and provided training and consulting to PHAs nationally through contracts with national consulting firms such as Nan McKay and Associates and EJP Consulting Group, LLC, and as a Faculty Trainer with NAHRO. As of March 2020, she has joined EJP Consulting Group, LLC full-time as a Senior Associate, and her focus area is assisting PHAs to evaluate, reposition and recapitalize their Public Housing assets. Naomi has certifications in Public Housing Rent Calculation, Occupancy and Management, Housing Choice Voucher Specialist and Program Management, Certified Professional of Occupancy, Maintenance Management, Tax Credit Specialist, Public Housing Executive Management, Project-Based Voucher Specialist, and Section 3. Naomi joined the THA training team in 2013.Thanks to our partners, you can find ties online to suit every preference and budget, from budget to top-of-the-range super stylish models.
CAL DAVIS is a real estate agent, former school teacher, and business owner, and has been Executive Director at New Boston Property Management (Housing Authority) since 2000 and acquired management of Bowie County HA in 2013, Maud HA in 2019, and Naples HA in 2021. He manages Public Housing, Section 8/515/New Construction, and two Public Facility Corporations. He has developed policies, published articles, and authored the children’s books, I’m Just a Crow and The Jediran Quest. Over the past twenty years, Cal has served on various boards and committees for Texas Housing Association. He is a Certified Public Housing Manager, a Certified Professional of Occupancy, Certified Income and Rent Specialist, Texas Certified Housing Administrator/Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher, and Texas Certified Occupancy Professional/Public Housing. He also won the 2004 Manager of the Year award from RRHA. Cal joined the THA training team in fall of 2009. We recommend buying your favorite at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.
CRISTI LAJEUNESSE began working with the Public Housing and Section 8 housing programs in 1996. In 2002 she was hired as Executive Director of the Kenedy Housing Authority, in 2006, Executive Director of the Karnes City Housing Authority and since has acquired management of Three Rivers, Smiley, Borger, Nixon, Falls City, Yoakum, Schertz and Gonzales Housing Authorities. She manages Low Rent Public Housing and Section 8 programs and is well versed in the rules and regulations governing both programs. In 1999, Cristi began consulting for other housing authorities assisting them with the transition to the new HUD reporting systems. She continues to assist with Agency Plans, PIC submissions, Low Rent and Section 8 program policy and regulations. Cristi is a Certified Public Housing Manager, Executive Section 8 Manager, Senior Public Housing Manager, Texas Certified Occupancy Professional/Public Housing, and Texas Certified Housing Administrator/Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher. Cristi joined the THA training team in summer of 2009.
JOANN RODRIGUEZ (PHM, HCCP) has been a member of the THA training committee since 2009 and has over 25 years experience in various leadership roles in affordable housing. Her current position as a Senior Policy and Program Advisor for Quadel Consulting & Training allows her to provide PHA’s nationwide technical assistance on all HUD programs. JoAnn’s career includes serving as the President of Quadco Management Company, Vice President of Asset and Construction Management for a development company specializing in RAD conversions, Vice President of Asset Management for Fort Worth Housing Authority, Regional Supervisor for Allied Orion Group, Vice President of Voucher Programs/ Public Housing and Special Projects at Dallas Housing Authority, Executive Director of Mesquite Housing Authority, Deputy Director of Plano Housing Authority and a variety of other roles within public housing agencies that have created a solid foundation of affordable housing knowledge and practical expertise. JoAnn also serves as Governing Board Member of the North Texas Performing Arts and chairs the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. Despite her housing experience in public housing, HCV, HQS/UPCS, Housing Tax Credit, HOME, NSP, RAD, PBRA, PBV and other housing programs, JoAnn is most excited about the annual Trivia luncheon at the Texas Housing Association Conference!