Policies – sample PHA policies that have been developed by THA or shared by other agencies
Brochures – HUD, OIG and other housing brochures and bulletins
Contracts – sample contracts, agreements, MOAs (Memorandum of Agreement), MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)
Forms – sample forms developed by THA or other PHAs and HUD
Job Descriptions – sample job descriptions shared by PHAs
Letters/Notices – sample letters and notices developed by PHAs and HUD
RFPs – sample Requests for Proposals submitted by PHAs
Bulletin Board Postings – includes all the documents, information and posters required by federal and state agencies to be placed on your bulletin board
Insurance Requirements – HUD requirements for PHAs
Jobs – Listing of job opportunities
links to track federal legislation and the federal register
links to find your Congressmen or Senators
links to all major laws and/or regulations that affect/impact PHAs
link to track state legislation
links to find Legislators and Senators
links to all major state statutes that affect/impact PHAs
Publications – a list of publications available through THA
REAC Inspector Evaluations
Required Reporting – A list of all reports required of a PHA, both federal and state
Survey Results – results of the periodic “research” questions that are emailed to members PHAs
Vendors – links to over 50 categories of vendors who have done, are doing or are interested in doing business with housing authorities.