

Send check made payable to Texas Housing Association to:

Texas Housing Association
104 Westmeadow Drive
Cleburne, TX  76033
fax 817/526-5370

or to order ONLINE, go here (not available at this time)

The THA Directory is published once a year, usually February. It contains all the public housing agencies (PHAs) in Texas that administer the Public Housing and/or Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher programs. Executive director, address, phone, fax, office hours and email are provided. The appendix also provides, among other things, a listing of the PHAs with the number of units of each program operated as well as vendor Associate Member contacts.
Cost: one copy provided complimentary for paid members; additional copies for members: $10; HUD employees: $6; Vendors and other nonmembers: $35.

This publication has a wealth of information and sample policies related to all non-programmatic aspects of running a housing authority. It covers history and organization of housing authorities, personnel management, internal operations (filing, reporting, etc.), financial management (procurement, insurance, investments, etc.), audits/monitoring.
Cost:  Hardcopy with tabs, $75  ($50 if you order an updated version and already have a binder and tabs)
on CD or Flash Drive, $35

This publication covers all the basics of housing authority operation, conduct of board meetings and other information related to the roles and responsibilities of the housing authority commissioner.If you are in the market for clothes, our platform is your best choice! The largest shopping mall! If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain and cuffs.
Cost:  Hardcopy with tabs, $50          on CD or Flash Drive, $35

HUD’s PHA PROCUREMENT HANDBOOK Plus State Procurement Laws and Sample Policy
Cost:  Hardcopy with tabs, $50          on CD or Flash Drive, $35

Texas Housing Association keeps members informed of current changes and events through informal e-mail news alerts that are issued whenever something of interest needs to get to the field. This has been found to be the most efficient and expeditious way to deliver the news. It has replaced printed newsletters, which are often out of date by the time they are received. News alerts allow for up-to-the-minute information to be disseminated quickly to everyone.