
The Texas Housing Association Membership period runs concurrently with the association’s fiscal year which is October 1 – September 30.


Agency any entity that legally constitutes a Public Housing Agency  2024 members
Vendor Member any firm, company, corporation or individual who has a business or for-profit interest in public housing agency programs in the state.
Vendor Membership information
Honorary persons chosen from time to time by the Board of Directors to be honored for their contribution to and/or involvement in the organization. These include individuals who are former housing program directors who have been members in good standing for no less than 10 years.
Other any entity that legally constitutes a Public Housing Agency that is Out-of-State or Housing Development Corporations that provide Affordable Housing
Ex Officio officers of other regional, state or national professional organizations invited by the board to participate as nonvoting members

DUES STRUCTURE (counted are all Public Housing units and HCV units)

0 – 50 units                               $50
51 – 150 units                          $90
151 – 300 units                        $155
301 – 600 units                        $220
601 and >                                 $300
Vendor Member                     $300


Online Membership Form for payment by check OR by credit card

If paying by check, send check made payable to Texas Housing Association and copy of membership form to

Texas Housing Association
104 Westmeadow Drive
Cleburne, TX 76033