An agency is any entity that legally constitutes a Public Housing Agency.
THA’s fiscal year begins January 1 and ends December 31.
Online Membership Form for payment by check OR by credit card
If paying by check, send check made payable to Texas Housing Association and copy of membership form to:
Texas Housing Association
104 Westmeadow Drive
Cleburne, TX 76033
DUES STRUCTURE (counted are all Public Housing units and HCV units)
0 – 50 units $100 | |
51 – 150 units $180 | |
151 – 300 units $310 | |
301 – 600 units $440 | |
601 and > $600 |
- Affordable Training
- Policy Samples
- Scholarships for PHA Employees’ Children
- Research
- Job Postings
- RFP/RFQ/IFB Postings
- Texas Professional Certification Program
- Email News Updates
- PHA Directory
- Legislative Monitoring
- Technical Assistance
- Annual Conference
Affordable Training and Certification Program
- Texas Housing Association prides itself in being able to offer affordable, quality training with trainers who have actually operated the programs they train and who have experience in the Texas scene, making it easy for trainees to relate to the instructors and vice versa.
- We offer onsite as well as webinar training. In the works is an on-demand online program which will allow members to choose from a number of short to medium sized informational videos on varied topics.
- THA has developed its own Texas Certification program for housing authority professionals. Go to
- We have an annual conference where we bring in presenters who are experts in their fields (trying very hard to ensure good speakers), offer a tradeshow with vendors who provide goods and services to PHAs, provide many networking opportunities and toss in some just plain fun.
Technical Assistance and Advocacy
- We are here to answer your questions or help you with problems. If we don’t know the answers or solutions, we have a number of excellent experienced resource people from which to draw, ranging from consultants to HUD headquarter contacts.
- We have worked directly with national organizations, HUD and REAC in the past when changes were needed.
- We do periodic surveys, as requested by members, to obtain best practices and general information from other PHAs.
- We monitor activity of state and federal legislation and keep members informed on issues about which they might want to contact their reps.
- We send out news items as they happen in our “Odds and Ends” Emails so that members are kept “in the know” and can stay “ahead of the game”.
Resources, Resources, Resources
Our Website has hundreds of files and links for agency resources and laws–both federal and state. We have sample policies, forms, job descriptions, contracts and other documents PHAs can use. The sample policies that were developed by THA are kept updated whenever there are changes. These webpages are members only. We also have a directory of vendors who do business with PHAs. On the Website Home Page are numerous quick links to help members avoid “look up” time. Check it out! THA publishes an annual PHA directory which is free to members.
Free Advertising for Jobs and RFPs
If you have a job announcement, we will send it out to member PHAs as well as post it on our website for two months. If you have an RFP, we will post it to the website as well as send it out to our applicable vendor lists.
Scholarships for PHA Employees’ Children
THA provides each year up to 4 (and more if budget permits) college scholarships and 4 trade school scholarships of $4000 each to deserving graduating senior children of PHA staff. Applications become available in late fall.
Endorsement of TMLIRP Insurance Program
THA has an endorsement arrangement with Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool which provides property, liability and workers compensation insurance for PHAs in Texas. Since their pool also includes municipalities and other governmental entities, they can provide the most economical premiums available.