
(Subject to Change)

Public Housing


10:30 – 11:45

REAC Update – Bruce McNatt – J Bruce McNatt UPCS Inpsections

2:00 – 3:15

EPIC – Brant Allen – Deputy Director – New Boston Property Management

3:45 – 5:00

Capital Fund Program Update – Naomi Byrne – Senior Associate – EJP Consulting Group, LLC

This session will provide a quick overview of the key factors in properly administering your Capital Fund program, including a reminder of eligible and ineligible activities, understanding submission requirements through EPIC, obligations/ expenditures/ close-outs, and the new Section 3 requirements and how to comply, especially for PHAs with 250 or fewer units. We will also talk about the challenges of managing your CFP programs in light of limited contractors/ vendors, increasing labor and material costs, and staffing capacity.


8:30 – 9:45

Public Housing Authority Liability and Safety

Darral Oliver – Senior Loss Prevention Representative – TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool
Randy Garza – Senior Loss Prevention Representative – TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool

Without proper risk management and accident prevention measures, Housing Authorities can have significant exposures for employees, tenants, and property. This session focuses on people, policies, facilities, equipment, property, and liability considerations related to Housing Authority operations. The session will be valuable for Directors, Supervisors, Maintenance staff, and Office personnel.

11:00 – 12:15

Back Injury Prevention for Public Entities

Darral Oliver – Senior Loss Prevention Representative – TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool
Randy Garza – Senior Loss Prevention Representative – TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool

Back injuries are prevalent and continue to be one of the leading on-the-job injuries experienced by public entity employees. Housing Authority employees perform many administrative and maintenance tasks that can lead to back injuries. Back Injury Prevention for Public Entities is designed to address this ongoing concern by providing real scenarios faced by public entity employees performing daily jobs and tasks. The session will be valuable for Directors, Supervisors, Maintenance staff, and Office personnel.

2:30 – 3:45

Environmental 101 for Public Housing Authorities

David Storms – Regional Environmental Officer – HUD Fort Worth Field Office

This session will review HUD’s environmental review requirements as they apply to public housing projects and activities.

4:00 – 5:15

ACOP -Kim McGilvray – Executive Director – Decatur Housing Authority

While federal statutes and regulations require PHAs to adopt certain governing and operating policies for the Public Housing Program, HUD grants PHAs discretion in establishing and implementing many policies. PHAs communicate those policies, rules, and requirements concerning their operations, programs, and services through the Public Housing Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP). This session is an overview of the ACOP.

Housing Choice Voucher


10:30 – 11:45

Attracting, Educating, and Keeping Landlords – Katie Bibbee – Account Executive – Brooks Jeffrey Marketing, Inc.

This session will cover how your agency can expand your landlord partnerships.

2:00 – 3:15

HCV Utilization/Emergency Housing Vouchers – Rob Snyder – Portfolio Management Specialist – HUD San Antonio Field Office

This session will prepare housing search staff to support households with vouchers throughout the housing identification process. Attendees will learn how to assess housing preferences, tenant screening barriers, and housing retention barriers and respond by tailoring housing search support to households’ individualized needs. Learn tips for preparing households for landlord conversations, finding units, and leveraging community-based resources. A portion of this session will be dedicated mechanisms aimed to increase overall HCV utilization and housing more families.

3:45 – 5:00

Project Based Vouchers – Rob Snyder – Portfolio Management Specialist – HUD San Antonio Field Office

Project-based vouchers (PBVs) are a component of a public housing agency’s (PHA’s) Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. PHAs are not allocated additional funding for PBV units; the PHA uses its tenant-based voucher funding to allocate project-based units to a project. Projects are typically selected for PBVs through a competitive process managed by the PHA; although in certain cases projects may be selected non-competitively. This training session will cover key program elements and requirements (How PBVs differ from regular HCV program). Specifically, we will discuss how PBVs fit into the Housing Authority 5-year/Annual/Admin Plans. The session will also cover how PBVs can be leveraged to increase utilization.


8:30 – 9:45

VMS – Brian Alten – CPA – BDO PHA Finance

This session will review the requirements for the submission of the VMS. It will discuss the reporting of HAP expenses for each category, unit month reporting and other required fields that must be reported monthly. The materials will include how the calculate RNP for VMS reporting and FDS reporting to avoid FDS rejections and maintain the integrity of reporting RNP on the VMS. This session will also include the latest changes in the VMS User’s Manual.

11:00 – 12:15

Two Year Tool – Brian Alten – CPA – BDO PHA Finance

HUD’s Two-Year Tool (TYT) is a very important solution to assist in managing your PHA’s Housing Choice Voucher Program. This tool will help project annual leasing, maximize administrative fees, monitor reserve levels (HHR, RNP) and project future HAP funding. This session will review all the primary fields to assist you to maximize leasing in your program.

2:30 – 3:45

RFTA Process – AI platform – Brooke E. Etie, LCSW – Vice President Voucher Programs – DHA Housing Solutions for North Texas

As many other PHA’s across the county, of all sizes, DHA has struggled to keep up with the supply and demand of affordable housing in the private market.  Over 3 years ago, DHA polled the Apartment Association of Greater Dallas (AAGD), asking; what can we do to obtain more units for our families searching with Housing Choice Voucher?  The answer was no surprise, and when you ask, you must also take action!  During this session, we will discuss what DHA has being doing to streamline business processes, introduce a new AI Platform that can transform the face of the HCV Program, and gain insight as to what more we can all be doing to increase the number of affordable housing across the nation.

4:00 – 5:15

SEMAP – Arnold Padilla – Executive Director – Mission Housing Authority

This session will review the annual Section Eight Management Assessment (SEMAP) submission requirements. The presentation will be made on the 14 key performance indicators and how they affect your SEMAP score. Helpful hints will be provided on monitoring your SEMAP throughout the fiscal year to assure adequate documentation is available for your submission in case of a HUD SEMAP Audit.

General Interest


10:30 – 11:45

Preparing for Your Fee Accountant – Melissa Hance – Executive Director – Alba, Cumby, Grand Saline and Van Housing Authorities

Tips and Tricks to help you keep better controls of your financials.

10:30 – 11:45

Pitfalls Executive Directors Can Fall In and What Can Happen to Them With Some Real Life Examples – Fernando Ramos, Esq. – North South Law Group, PLLC (Former OIG Investigator)

A presentation on the topics of housing fraud, relevant statutes and case studies.  Additionally, the presentation will cover general administrative remedies available to the government as well.  Finally, the presentation will cover basic tips on how to respond, cooperate with and survive Office of Inspector General criminal and civil investigations.

2:00 – 3:15

People Behaving Badly and Some Ideas for Handling  – Katie Anderson – Attorney at Law – Clark Hill

We see it is news, social media, and board meetings – people say whatever pops into their head, no matter how harsh or critical of others.  This session will discuss some strategies for handling these situations with both legal and pragmatic considerations.

3:45 – 5:00

Mental Health – Charlie Hayes – Associate – Clark Hill

How to handle mentally unstable tenants/applicants.


8:30 – 9:45

Sharing Your Success – Katie Bibbee – Account Executive – Brooks Jeffrey Marketing, Inc.

How to Brand, Prepare Annual Reports,  Agency Brochures, Press Releases and Why They are Important

11:00 – 12:15

Understanding Financial Statements to Improve PHA Financial Performance – Neil Arnold – Director of Accounting Services – MRI Real Estate Software

In this session, we’ll look at how to read the financial reports, how the reports relate to each other, and how using the reports will help the PHA run more efficiently and ensure a clean audit report and high financial scores with REAC. The session is geared toward Low Rent and Section 8 PHA’s and you will learn:

  • Understanding a balance sheet and income statement.  Learn the difference between these financial statements and how they work together to tell the financial story of your PHA.
  • Use your PHA’s balance sheet and income statement to calculate your FASS and MASS ratios throughout your fiscal year.
  • Monitor your FASS and MASS scores throughout your fiscal year to maximize your REAC score.

2:30 – 3:45

Social Security and Medicare – Jesse Travis – Financial Advisor – Travis Martin Financial Services

We will be talking about Social Security Planning: what baby boomers need to know to maximize retirement income. When your parents retired, they probably didn’t think too much about Social Security. They just went down to their local office as soon as they turned 65, or maybe 62 if they retired early, and applied for benefits. They took their benefits for granted and didn’t ask very many questions. But baby boomers are approaching the Social Security question in a very different way.  Most people tend to minimize the value of Social Security. If they understand that they are likely to get something back from the system at all, they think it will be a minimal amount, not really enough to count on. But Social Security is far more valuable than most people realize.  During this presentation we will answer the following questions: Will Social Security be there for you?  How much you can expect to receive?  When you should apply for Social Security?  How is it possible to maximize benefits? And will Social Security be enough to live on in retirement?

4:00 – 5:15

Cyber Security – Jesse Travis – Financial Advisor – Travis Martin Financial Services

Two seconds…that’s how often someone becomes a victim of identity theft. Last year, there were over 14 million victims of identity theft and fraud.  Are you one of those 14 million? Has your personal information been exposed in a data breach or hack?  A world of dark forces and criminal networks conspire day and night to steal your username and password, obtain your Social Security number, open credit cards in your name, drain your bank accounts, and seize your computer to hold it for ransom.  During this presentation you will take a short quiz to determine your current cybersecurity score, then, once you know your vulnerabilities, I’ll teach you the New Cybersecurity Rules.  By the end of the hour, I guarantee you will leave better prepared to protect yourself, your family, and your business from the quietly raging cyber wars targeting us all.



10:30 – 11:45

Revitalization:  All the Funding Sources – Pittsburgh Office Managing Partner – Fox Rothschild LLP

This session will review the numerous funding sources available to assist in the revitalization and/or redevelopment of affordable housing.  This session will present an overview of the numerous sources available from tax credits to RAD to Voluntary Conversion.

2:00 – 3:15

LIHTC 101 – Chad Porter – CPA – Smith Marion & Co.

This session will cover setting up and maintaining a non-profit. How setting up a non-profit can be beneficial to your housing authority for items such as LIHTC, recap money, or RAD deals. Learn how to structure LIHTC entities and discuss how they will interact.

3:45 – 5:00

Public Housing RAD PBV vs PBRA – Chad Porter – CPA – Smith Marion & Co.

Also known as asset repositioning. Are you wondering if your housing authority should go RAD? This is a common question that spurs additional questions. Do you go PBV or PBRA? The answer depends on the housing authority. Let’s dive into the pros and cons of each RAD program empowering you to make a better-informed decision about RAD.


8:30 – 9:45

RAD/ Mixed Finance Development Panel

Tom Davis -Director, Office of Recapitalization – HUD Washington
Rob Snyder – Portfolio Management Specialist – HUD San Antonio Field Office
Eva Tafoya – Program Analyst, OHVP PSD – Office of Senior Coordinator for Rocky Mountains (HUD)

11:00 – 12:15

Section 18, Demolition, Disposition, Streamlined Voluntary (SVC) Conversion, Scattered Site Disposition Panel

Jane Hornstein – Director – HUD Special Applications Center
Kathleen Szybist – Program Analyst for the Special Applications Center
Brian Gage – Regional Public Housing Director – HUD
David Pohler – Director – HUD San Antonio Field Office

2:30 – 3:45

Repositioning 101

Naomi Byrne – Senior Associate – EJP Consulting Group, LLC
JoAnn Rodriguez

Repositioning is the removing Public Housing units from the Public Housing program and converting them to another program and/ funding source. Repositioning 101 is a straightforward and easy to understand introduction to the various HUD repositioning tools, such as the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program, Section 18 Demolition and Disposition, Section 22 Streamlined Conversion, and the latest RAD/ Section 18 blends. This session will highlight the pros and cons of each, including how small and very small PHAs can determine if repositioning is even right for your agency.

4:00 – 5:15

Pre-conversion Jitters and Post-conversion Joys

Allison Minton – Executive Director – Texoma Housing Partners
Antonio Williams – Executive Director – Texarkana Housing Authority
Cal Davis – Executive Director – New Boston Property Management, Bowie County, Maud and Naples Housing Authorities

Hear a panel of Executive Directors that have been through the conversion process and wonderfully survived. EDs from various size agencies using different conversion methods will be available for discussion, Q&A, and ideas on preparation and things to avoid.



10:30 – 11:45

2:00 – 3:15

REAC Update – Bruce McNatt – J Bruce McNatt UPCS Inpsections

3:45 – 5:00


8:30 – 9:45

11:00 – 12:15

2:30 – 3:45

4:00 – 5:15


8:30 – 9:45

Energy Audits – Bob Bein – RKB2 Consultants

This session details the energy audit areas of focus. It is not a “how to” but simply an explanation of what goes into the audit and why maintenance personnel are so important to the process.

10:00 – 11:15

Confirmed topics (no set times yet):

  1. Maintenance 2 Office: Working Relationships – An in depth look at both Maintenance and Office worlds and how they work together for the greater good. A discussion on how job duties overlap, how personalities play a role in communication, the six steps to problem solving, and what are conversation killers and how to avoid them.
  2. Security – Situational Awareness
  3. Best Practices Panel
  4. Round Tables – Various Topics
  5. Preventative Maintenance – A discussion on how to effectively utilize preventive maintenance management to maximize property profit.



10:30 – 11:45

Navigating the Shark-Infested Waters of the Texas Open Meetings Act – Katie Anderson – Attorney at Law – Clark Hill

This session will contain a primer on the Act and how to comply along with expert tips in avoiding problems and protecting confidential information.

2:00 – 3:15

Pitfalls Commissioners Can Fall In and What Can Happen to Them With Some Real Life Examples – Fernando Ramos, Esq. – North South Law Group, PLLC (Former OIG Investigator)

A presentation on the topics of housing fraud, relevant statutes and case studies.  Additionally, the presentation will cover general administrative remedies available to the government as well.  Finally, the presentation will cover basic tips on how to respond, cooperate with and survive Office of Inspector General criminal and civil investigations.

3:45 – 5:00


8:30 – 9:45

11:00 – 12:15

How to Tell Your Story to Attract Grant Investments – Tiffany Price – Places to Grow

Do you ever wonder how some people always seem to have an easy time getting grants? Knowing your story and telling it well helps you to save time and effort by selecting grant opportunities that align with your vision and making a compelling case to funders. Using stories from her work in Central Texas public housing communities, Tiffany will show how the storytelling lens can help you connect the dots in your work, better connect with residents, and connect with funders.

2:30 – 3:45

4:00 – 5:15

Confirmed topics (no set times yet):

  1. Advocacy and the Commissioner Role – Commissioners have a unique role in the community as housing advocates. This session will explore the importance of a commissioner knowing the housing programs, how to address criticism in the community, how to advocate for more affordable housing choices for housing clients, and how to navigate community perceptions of housing.
  2. Housing Programs 101 for commissioners – Newly appointed commissioners will enjoy this introductory session learning about the various HUD programs. What are the differences between Public housing and Housing Choice Voucher? What is FSS and what does it do? RAD, Section 18 and repositioning? What does that mean? PBRA and PBV… how confusing?
  3. How Commissioners Can Work with Developers on Their Repositioning Efforts – This session will cover the advantages/disadvantages of working with developers, evaluating developers, what they should ask developers, what is in the developer agreements, what services are provided… etc.
  4. Resident Engagement and Social Supportive Services – A discussion strategy on how to engage residents via resident care and community social services.

FSS/Resident Services


10:30 – 11:45

FSS – Understanding ACES and Trauma-Informed Care – Anice Schervish Chenault, MSW – FSS Program Manager – Jobs Plus Manager – HUD

What are Adverse Childhood Experiences and why do they matter? How can ACES affect the residents I work with (and me!) Now that we know the brain science, what do we do about it?

2:00 – 3:15

FSS – Best Practices for Trauma-Informed Care Program Design – Anice Schervish Chenault, MSW – FSS Program Manager – Jobs Plus Manager – HUD

Following a Trauma-Informed Care model, understand best practices for recruitment of participants. Where and When matters. Setting Goals and making ITSPs. Best Practices for partnerships.

3:45 – 5:00

FSS Updates –

Anice Schervish Chenault, MSW – FSS Program Manager – Jobs Plus Manager – HUD

  • Federal Budget review and NOFO
  • Final Rule
  • Monitoring and Composite Score.


8:30 – 9:45

ROSS Program Overview

Stephanie Adams – ROSS Program Manager – Office of Public and Indian Housing
Lewis Dorman – ROSS Program Manager – Office of Public and Indian Housing

This workshop will introduce the Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Program to the audience.  It will also cover how to administer a ROSS grant successfully, as well as include time for questions and answers.

11:00 – 12:15

Administering a Successful Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program – Kristen Arnold – Housing Program Specialist – HUD

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) homeownership program allows families that are assisted under the HCV program to purchase a home and use their voucher to assist with their monthly homeownership expenses.  This session will cover the administrative program basics, elements of successful programs and partnerships, and TA resource material updates.

2:30 – 3:45

Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Reporting Fundamentals

Stephanie Adams – ROSS Program Manager – Office of Public and Indian Housing
Lewis Dorman – ROSS Program Manager – Office of Public and Indian Housing
Anice Schervish Chenault, MSW – FSS Program Manager – Jobs Plus Manager – HUD

This presentation covers ROSS fundamentals for reporting, including program expectations, common mistakes, best practices, and resources that can help.

4:00 – 5:15

CSS Overview – Community Supporting Services

Stephanie Adams – ROSS Program Manager – Office of Public and Indian Housing
Lewis Dorman – ROSS Program Manager – Office of Public and Indian Housing
Anice Schervish Chenault, MSW – FSS Program Manager – Jobs Plus Manager – HUD

This workshop will introduce the Community Supportive Services division of HUD PIH’s Office of Public Housing Investments to the audience.  It will discuss CSS’ major programs: FSS, HUD Strong Families, Jobs Plus, and ROSS, as well as include time for questions and answers.



2:00 – 3:15

40 Things You May Not Know About Housing Agency Procurement Part 1 – Mike Gifford, C.P.M., CPSD – Housing Agency Procurement Assistance

An interactive review of 40 very important HUD-mandated requirements pertaining to purchasing and contracts. Topics that will be addressed include, but is not limited to:  Informal Quotes (QSPs); Formal Bids (IFBs) and Proposals (RFPs/RFQs); Advertisements; Specifications; Independent Cost Estimates and Cost Price Analysis; Non-competitive Justifications; Piggyback Justifications; Contracts and Contract Administration; and much more!  We will talk about procurements and contracts for supplies, equipment, and both maintenance and professional services. This session includes a worksheet and forms.

3:45 – 5:00

40 Things You May Not Know About Housing Agency Procurement Part 2 – Mike Gifford, C.P.M., CPSD – Housing Agency Procurement Assistance


8:30 – 9:45

Quotes and Bids and Proposals – Mike Gifford, C.P.M., CPSD – Housing Agency Procurement Assistance

Sooner or later, every housing agency needs to procure items and services over $2,000 and must conduct a Quotations for Small Purchases (QSP), an Invitation For Bids (IFB), a Request For Proposals (RFP), and/or a Request For Qualifications (RFQ), the four competitive solicitation methods available to housing agencies. This session is an overview of each, a discussion as to when to use each, and related documentation requirements.

11:00 – 12:15

Contract Clauses, including Options, Escalations, Terminations, and Mandatory Clauses – Mike Gifford, C.P.M., CPSD – Housing Agency Procurement Assistance

We all utilize contracts as formal agreements between our agency and contractors/suppliers to ensure we can get needed services and supplies in a timely manner. During this session we will address what to include in a HUD-compliant ‘best practice’ contract, with special emphasis on contract options, terminations, and escalation clauses.”

2:30 – 3:45

Contract Administration – Mike Gifford, C.P.M., CPSD – Housing Agency Procurement Assistance

HUD requires that housing agencies take “all actions . . . to ensure” that the services provided for each contract are “successfully performed, that the PHA receives the required supplies or services” listed within the contract.  This session will cover in detail the “actions” listed by HUD within Chapter 11 of the HUD Procurement Handbook.

4:00 – 5:15

How to formulate a Construction Bid – Mike Gifford, C.P.M., CPSD – Housing Agency Procurement Assistance

HUD requires housing agencies to most typically utilize the Invitation for Bids (IFB) competitive solicitation process when retaining contractors for construction. IFB’s require the housing agency is issue a Design Specification and complete award to the responsive and responsible bidder that submits the lowest realistic cost. This session will focus on the IFB format, including a number of HUD-required forms that most housing agencies may not be aware of.

HUD Thursday

8:30 – 9:45

HUD Updates

Steven Durham – Director – Office of Housing Voucher Programs – Washington HUD
Ashley Sheriff – DAS for REAC – HUD Washington
Brian Gage – Regional Public Housing Director – HUD
David Pohler – Director – HUD San Antonio Field Office
Joe Uviedo – Deputy Director – HUD San Antonio Field Office
Rob Snyder – Portfolio Management Specialist – HUD San Antonio Field Office

10:00 – 11:15


Steven Durham – Director – Office of Housing Voucher Programs – Washington HUD
Ashley Sheriff – DAS for REAC – HUD Washington
Brian Gage – Regional Public Housing Director – HUD
David Pohler – Director – HUD San Antonio Field Office
Joe Uviedo – Deputy Director – HUD San Antonio Field Office
Rob Snyder – Portfolio Management Specialist – HUD San Antonio Field Office