To Be Scheduled
TRAINER: Naomi Byrne
TDHCA-approved training for Bond, LIHTC, and
Affirmative Marketing requirements
A comprehensive training class covering all essential information required to operate an assisted housing program in compliance with Fair Housing, Reasonable Accommodation and Disability laws, including VAWA, AFFH and service animals. Core class for the Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher certification programs.
- Historical Background
- Fair Housing Laws
- Civil Rights Act/ Fair Housing Act
- Protected Classes
- Disparate Impact
- Areas of Concern
- Burden of Proof
- Exemptions
- Disability Rights Laws
- Architectural Barriers Act
- Section 504
- Fair Housing Amendments Act
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- PHA Obligations and Responsibilities
- Person with Disabilities
- HUD Definition
- ADA Definition
- Program applicability of each definition
- Accessibility and Adaptability
- Reasonable Accommodations
- Animal Accommodations
- Assistance animal versus support animal versus companion animal
- Program applicability
- Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
- Violence Against Womens Act (VAWA)
- Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH)
- Civil Rights Act/ Fair Housing Act
NAOMI BYRNE has over 20 years of experience in the housing and non-profit industries, managing multiple types of public housing and multi-family housing programs. She has experience in all aspects of running a Housing Authority, including accounting, human resources, capital funds, development, and property management and maintenance. She also has experience rehabbing/ developing single family and multi-family using HOPE VI, LIHTC, RAD, and conventional funding sources. She has served as President of Fort Worth Housing Solutions, the Executive Director of Texarkana Housing Authority and Georgetown Housing Authority and Chief Operations Officer for the Pittsburgh, PA Housing Authority. In 2018, she formed her own consulting firm, Stinger Consulting LLC, to provide guidance and assistance to PHAs in operations and development, and provided training and consulting to PHAs nationally through contracts with national consulting firms such as Nan McKay and Associates and EJP Consulting Group, LLC, and as a Faculty Trainer with NAHRO. As of March 2020, she has joined EJP Consulting Group, LLC full-time as a Senior Associate, and her focus area is assisting PHAs to evaluate, reposition and recapitalize their Public Housing assets. Naomi has certifications in Public Housing Rent Calculation, Occupancy and Management, Housing Choice Voucher Specialist and Program Management, Certified Professional of Occupancy, Maintenance Management, Tax Credit Specialist, Public Housing Executive Management, Project Based Voucher Specialist and Section 3. Naomi joined the THA training team in 2013.