To Be Scheduled
TRAINER: Brant Allen
A thorough and comprehensive four day class covering the essentials of the Capital Fund Program (CFP) and the essentials of the PHA procurement process. This combination class will meet the requirements for 2 elective classes (#300.2 & #200.6) for the THA certification program.
- Background
- CFP Formula
- Capital Fund Regulations
- Budget Line Items
- Physical Needs Assessment
- Energy Audit
- Environmental Review Record
- Davis Bacon Act
- Labor Standards
- Section 3
- Procurement and Contract Requirements
- Implementation of Program
- Demolition and Disposition Transitional Funding
- Mixed-Finance Development
- Part 700
- Part 800
- RAD/ MtW
- Development Activities
- Capital Fund Financing Program
- Operating Fund Finance Program
- Public Housing Mortgage Program
- Background
- Procurement Regulations and HUD Procurement Guidebook
- Micro Purchases
- Small Purchases
- Sealed Bids
- Competitive Proposals
- Non-Competitive Proposals
- Statement of Work and Specification
- Contract Administration
- Joinder Contracts
- Disadvantaged and Women Business Enterprises
- Mixed Finance Procurement
Brant Allen is the Deputy Director for New Boston Property Management and Bowie County HA, Maud HA, and Naples HA, Public Housing and Section 8/515/New Construction programs and conventional programs. He has served as the Procurement Officer and Capital Improvements Coordinator. He has been in housing for 13 years. He serves on the Member Services and Conference Committees for Texas Housing Association. He is a Real Estate Agent, Certified Section 3, Procurement, Texas Certified Housing Administrator/Public Housing and Texas Certified Occupancy Professional/Public Housing.