To Be Scheduled
TRAINER: Naomi Byrne
A two-day workshop on the different methods PHAs can utilize to convert their aging Public Housing properties, including the Rental Demonstration Program, Section 18 and Streamlined Voluntary Conversion. Elective class for Public Housing certification programs.
HUD’s Current Stance
Rental Assistance Demonstration Program
- Current Program Status
- PHA Feasibility
- Other factors related to determining if RAD will work for my PHA
- Streamlined RAD
- RAD/ Section 18 Blends
- Faircloth to RAD
- Application process
- Initial application and receiving the Commitment to Enter into a Housing Assistance Payment contract (CHAP)
- Financing Plan and the RAD Conversion Commitment (RCC)
- Closing
Demolition/ Disposition
- HUD Justifications
- PHA Feasibility
- Inventory Removal Application
- Factors involved in HUD approval
- Tenant Protection Vouchers and Project Based Vouchers
Voluntary Conversions
- PHA Feasibility
- Required Assessments and components
- Voluntary Conversion Plans/Streamlined Voluntary Conversion
- Tenant Protection Vouchers and Project Based Vouchers
Post-closing/ conversion
Other operational factors involved in transitioning from PH to a new platform
Close out of the Public Housing program (full conversions)
NAOMI BYRNE has nearly 30 years of experience in the housing and non-profit industries, managing multiple types of public housing and multi-family housing programs. She has experience in all aspects of running a Housing Authority, including accounting, human resources, capital funds, development, and property management and maintenance. She also has experience rehabbing/ developing single family and multi-family using HOPE VI, LIHTC, RAD, and conventional funding sources. She has served as President of Fort Worth Housing Solutions, the Executive Director of Texarkana Housing Authority and Georgetown Housing Authority and Chief Operations Officer for the Pittsburgh, PA Housing Authority. She is currently a Senior Associate with EJP Consulting Group, LLC, a nationally recognized consulting firm. Her focus is assisting PHAs to evaluate, reposition and recapitalize their Public Housing assets. She provides guidance and assistance to PHAs in operations and development, and provided training and consulting to PHAs nationally through as a Faculty Trainer with NAHRO. Naomi has certifications in Public Housing Rent Calculation, Occupancy and Management, Housing Choice Voucher Specialist and Program Management, Certified Professional of Occupancy, Maintenance Management, Tax Credit Specialist, Public Housing Executive Management, Project Based Voucher Specialist and Section 3. Naomi joined the THA training team in 2013.